Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 84 of 1456

Day 84 of 1456 in trump's America.

I'll be honest: when you take a week off from this shit, it feels really hard to jump back on the wagon. I was barely staying on top of it from a week to week basis. Now that there's twice as much as usual, it's overwhelming. Add that to the fact that I don't even know what these blog post are doing or what they're for, it can be tough to keep your bearings. It's hard keeping your eyes on the prize when you don't even know what the prize is.

And you try to remind yourself that this is one of their tricks: throwing everything at you all the time so you eventually get burned out and let them roll over you.

But I know the solution is simpler than I make it out to be. The initial fault is with my method when I write these. I try to bash in everything that's happened in the last 7 days down to one three hour crash session, without any forethought, notes, or planned structure. In one week – 7 days – that's 168 hours. At the rate this presidency is going, that's somewhere around an average of 336 mind bending developments of a deeper moral horror than most of us would imagine we'd see in our lifetime.

So as far as what to talk about this week, I'm not sure. I've had many thoughts. Impeachment vs. Mike Pence. The Women's March, which was quite possibly the largest coordinated protest in recorded human history. The Muslim travel ban and it's respective record breaking fund raising weekend for the ACLU (6 years worth of fundraising achieved in one weekend). More Russian developments, Godzilla movies, as well as a comparison between Mad Max movies and jihadist suicide bombers that's been itching my head for months even before I started this blog.

So this is my promise to you and me. I'm going to start writing these things sooner than 9:30 pm on a Tuesday night. There's more going on than I can siphon down into one shape in that small of an amount of time, and it's not fair to me to give myself a stroke forcing it, or you to put up with my panic attack ADD topic jumping. These will have shapes and points now. It's been 70 days of practice. Now the wolf is in the building. Getting our shit together starts at home.